Thursday, August 20, 2015

The Beginning of Decisions

                                    What to choose??

         -In the book, "Divergent" by Veronica Roth, the city of Chicago is divided by 5 factions which        represent certain attributes of the human aspect. These factions were created to gain stability and order in society. The factions are, Erudite (intelligence), Dauntless (bravery), Amity (harmony), Candor (honesty), and Abnegation (selflessness). The main character, Beatrice Prior, belongs to the Abnegation faction, but always feels like she doesn't belong there.
        "I am ready. I know what to do. I picture myself bringing my elbow back and hitting him. I see the bag of apples flying away from me. I hear my running footsteps. I am prepared to act." (Roth, 26) I strongly believe this explains Tris's true thoughts because her faction does not involve either violence or selfishness. This also explains that Tris does not feel like she belongs in Abnegation but rather another faction that answers to her nature.
         As the story progresses, Tris enters a simulation which determines in which faction she belongs to. In this process, Tori, her aptitude test administrator, tells her that her results were inconclusive and she belongs to a very rare kind of humans called "Divergent". She tells Tris that this kind is dangerous and she must not tell anybody. The next day, Tris and her brother Caleb go to the Choosing Ceremony which is a tradition that lets 16 year olds choose their faction. Caleb told Tris that he was going to choose Abnegation but when the moment came, he chose Erudite. Tris realised that she wasn't how the Abnegation faction wanted her to be. She was brave and needed action in her life, so she chose Dauntless.
          At first, Tris felt confident and good about her decision but later on she saw that there was much more than she thought. Tris realised that she was the only "Stiff" (Abnegation nickname) in the transfers so she expected to be alone, that changed when she met Christina, a Candor transfer, Will, an Erudite transfer, and Al, another Candor transfer. Her first goal to become Dauntless was to throw herself off a cliff without knowing what was on the other side. She was the first jumper and Peter, a Candor transfer, became her enemy because of jealousy. Later on, she met Four, a Dauntless instructor, and told her what her name was and to choose it wisely because she can't pick again, she replied "Tris".


         "I am selfish. I am brave."(Roth, 47)

         This particular quote is one of my favorites in the whole story because it resembles Tris's inner thoughts. It shows how Tris's initial thoughts change into other, more conclusive ones. I can relate to her emotions because she feels like everyone wants her to be something and she wants to be something else. I have also experienced this with some of my cousins whose parents were expecting them to do something but did something else. I also like this quote because Veronica Roth shows that one does not need to be selfless or good to be a hero, although it is something necessary. She explains this implicit way, Tris's narrates that she is selfish and brave because is what she would need to become a hero and kindness would bring weakness. Later on in the book she realizes that she still carries Abnegation traits and helps most people in Dauntless, but then figures she is not selfless or brave, she needs to be more than that.

            "I close my eyes and picture my mother and father sitting at the dinner                     table in silence. Is it a lingering hint of selflessness that makes my throat                 tighten at the thought of them, or is it selfishness, because I know I will                   never be their daughter again?"(Roth, 53)

        This quote confuses me and makes me inquire a little bit because you can feel the trouble and confusement of Tris in this moment. Tris cannot see right from wrong because she has painted the image of what everyone wants her to be, but also the image of what she wants to be. Tris, in this quote, confused me a bit about selfishness and selflessness because, at first, I thought it was an act of selflessness. I thought this because she misses them and wants to be with them and help them, but she can never be their daughter again. Tris left her parents in order to become what she desires to be, which is an act of selfishness, but it wouldn't be fair for her being something she isn't. So I thought about this for a minute and my conclusion was, both. It is an act of selfishness and selflessness at the same time. She misses their parents and wants to help them, but she would not give up the opportunity to become what she wishes for. So, what do you think, was it an act of selfishness, selflessness, both, or none?

                Lets Wrap Things Up!

       So, in the end, I think the story has a special meaning and theme. I'm guessing that the theme is to be yourself and be different because she is divergent and wants to build her own path. I feel that Veronica Roth was smart at choosing this theme because she wants to appeal to younger audiences and make them feel that they shouldn't be controlled by anyone and can choose or build their own path. I also consider that she experienced something like this and decided to write about it but changing the story a little. Overall, I think that the story is unique and we can see the development of the characters with their initial thoughts about something and then changing them as they progress with their lives.In conclusion, I think that everything is not always what it seems and sometimes people or events can change the way you see something.        

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