Thursday, March 10, 2016

The Ten-Second Place


     Thomas tells June about her brother and how he died. He takes her to Commander Jameson which lets her analyze the body and she precisely describes the events that unfolded. She is notified that she has entered Commander Jameson's squad to replace Metias. Soon enough, the soldiers take Metias' body, and soon enough June has a plan.

      Day wakes up and finds himself in a dark room with Tess. Some of the plague suppressants Day took survived the fall, but not too much. Tess also informs him that someone is looking for him and claims that he has plague cures. Day hesitates at first but is also intrigued about what this man has to offer.

      Commander Jameson helps June set up Metias' funeral. There, she meets Chian, an interviewer from the Trials that was also Metias' mentor a few years ago, and has some really dark thoughts. June thinks she'll never smile again and that she is lost in the darkness.

      Day walks into a bar hoping to get some info on this mystery plague cure guy. He meets the bartender, a pretty girl that looks like she's been in a few Skiz fights. Skiz fights are illegal 1-on-1 fights that people bet money on. She tells Day that the mystery guy wants him at the Ten-second place at midnight and that her name is Kaede (KY-EH-DEH).  Day knows exactly where the Ten-second place is: a year ago, he broke into a bank where the guard told him he would be cut to pieces by the vault's lasers and Day told him he would rob it in 10 seconds and, of course, he did.

     June waits for Day in the Ten-second place. She is at the rooftops with the appearance of a man. Day talks to her from a microphone that is barely hearable. They discuss about the cure but June ends up failing, she doesn't have to wait for Day, she needs to go to Day.

"I should be the one going out there. Not you." (Lu, 90)

I chose this quote because it perfectly describes how deeply and greatly June loves Metias. Family is one of the most important things in life, if not the most important. Having family being stripped away from you is terrible and I can relate to June that way.

"Don't get too close to her, you trot." (Lu, 100)

Tess is walking past several people and bumps into someone who was pretty angry. Day's first instinct is to protect her and I think that's an important characteristic of him. Day wants to save everyone and he will do anything to do so. This quote and event made me wonder if Day actually killed Metias.

                    C O N C L U S I O N

What I've seen so far is that Day is very protective and is always trying to help others and save those he can. This makes me doubt whether Day killed Metias or not. June is also a loving yet analytic person. I want to see more of June and how she and Day develope throughout the story. I've also started to change the color of my quotes with Gold representing Day and White representing June. 

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