Tuesday, April 12, 2016

United States of America, Pre-Republic

Change of Mind

     June is taken to the capital city of Denver, a snow-covered city protected by a large shield war known as the Armor to meet the Elector, Anden. She is surprised by how different he is from his father. Anden opposes the Republic Senate's ideals, who wish to maintain their control over the nation. June tells him that someone wants to assassinate him, she does this as a decoy so that he trusts her and moves to the real assassination location. 
    June eventually manages to convince the Elector that the decoy assassination is real, and receives a pardon from the Republic. As she spends more time with Anden, she realizes how different he is from his father and how he wishes to change the nation. She also notices that he is in love with her and later kisses her. After a few days, Anden wants to remove the Trial system that divides the nation and also make the Republic of America a better place. June begins to have doubts, and attempts to send a signal to Day to stop the assassination.
    Anden tells June about how the Republic began and how its intentions were good in the early years. Global flooding submerged most of the Eastern United States under water, and people were filled with terror as thousands fled into the west. The Republic was formed by the military to establish order, and they blocked the East US. Soon, though, the military gained too much power and the Trials, originally optional and fair, became mandatory and were used as a means of population control. Anden wants to change the Republic and bring it back to the way it used to be. June is further convinced that Anden is not a threat and repeats her signal to Day.
    Day is sent on a mission by the Patriots to make a fake attack on a train to provide proof that there was in fact an assassination attempt. Day makes himself known to soldiers to feed the rumor amongst the people that he lives. He has mixed feelings about June's warning signal and asks himself how far does he mean for her to go? After seeing Anden and June's kiss on camera, he suspects she might only want him to stop because she is in love with Anden.

"In the midst of it all, I hear a few call out, 'Day lives! Day lives!'" (Lu, 130)

People are starting to notice that the person who was killed in Legend during Day's execution was not Day. This can cause a huge problem in the Republic because people will stop listening to them and start looking up to Day. I think this is good because the Republic can fail if people do this. What I think will happen next is that the people of the Republic will stop trusting the Republic and start to realize what is really going on with the world.

"I never considered the idea that he might be able to get into June's head."(Lu, 136)

I think that this is a really interesting quote because Day makes the point that Anden is playing a game, not them. As soon as I read the quote, my mind started spinning around over what could happen, and what this means. What I think it means is that Lu is foreshadowing what will actually happen, Anden revealing that he's been acting and knowing the Patriot's assassination attempt the whole time. I think this is a really good twist and would be interesting to see if this happens. 


These pages were filled with little hints of what could happen next and what Day and June will become. It was also fun to learn what happened on the rest of America, but also a little shocking. I'm hoping to learn more, not just about America, but what happened to the whole world. I'm also intrigued to know if what I predicted is correct because I think that would make an excellent twist to the story. In the end, we'll never know until we finish the book. 

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