Monday, October 26, 2015

This is just GREAT!

God, I hate cliffhangers!

So, in the previous chapters Thomas sees a Runner(probably) going through the East Door. This Runner is Asian and muscular, he goes in panting and falls onto the ground. Thomas ran to him and checked on him. He was okay, just tired. He didn't know who Thomas was because he spent all his hours in the Maze. The boy's name is Minho and Thomas can't decide whether to trust him or not. At the end of the conversation, Thomas decides he likes him. Alby comes and they both start arguing about what happened. He had found a dead Griever.
        Thomas learns more about the Griever, it has moist skin, metal spikes coming out from its body and it weighs about half a ton. Thomas got into the the woods of the Glade and Chuck interrupted his silence. He told Thomas that Ben isn't dead.
         He said that Ben will be Banished from the Glade and instead of being sad, Chuck smiled. Everyone was reunited at the East Door and the Keepers(leaders) reunited to bring Ben close to the exit. Every Keeper held out a long stick that had an empty circle at the top. It was a collar. The Keepers got a hold of Ben as he cried for help. They pushed him back and back, then let go. The Door closed and Ben was forever gone.
          Thomas started a new day as Newy waked him up later than usual and Thomas was introduced to Zart and agriculture. Newt reveals that once he was a Runner until a traumatic event restrained him from doing so. Thomas spent most of his day picking up weeds and planting new ones. Then he started asking questions. Zart explained the different jobs: Sloppers, Baggers, Cooks, Map-makers, Track-hoes, Blood Housers, and the Runners. Thomas was interested in a Slopper, but then felt guilt as he learned that job was for the boys who couldn't do anything. Like Chuck.
        In the afternoon, Thomas saw that Newt was uncomfortable. Newt explained that Alby and Minho, who went in search for the dead Griever, should have returned hours ago. Thomas offered a search party, but that was against the rules. After a while, Newt and Thomas gave up, just before Thomas could spot Minho and Alby. Thomas was dumbfounded. He wondered if he stood where he was or go for them. The Door was about to close. Thomas didn't think twice: he sprinted toward the Door and got in just in time.
         Thomas went after Minho, which was mad because he left the Glade for them. Alby looked like he'd been stung and he looked like a demon with scars all over his body. The dead Griever was a trap. A loud boom, metal crackling against a wall, echoed through the maze. They both split up and ran. Thomas tried carrying Alby, resulting in a failure, so he just left him to the entrance of the Glade. He thought of a plan, climbing the wall, even though Minho said it was useless. Thomas tried many things to get Alby and him to the top. Thomas tied Alby and pushed him upward. Little by little the idea worked, but there was more than on Griever. Thomas spotted a beetle blade, a silver lizard-like creature used to watch the Gladers. He thought he saw it before, and now it was confirmed. The beetle read WICKED. But then something startled Thomas, a Griever.
          He watched the horrifying thing, like a slug covered in slime and hair. It had many mechanical arms for different purposes and each was deadly. Thomas was perfectly still, the Griever running up the wall where he and Alby stood. Thomas started down; it was his only option. The Griever ignored Alby and sprinted toward Thomas, who was dropping down from the wall.  The Griever wounded Thomas' back and Thomas tried to go down as much as possible. He touched the ground and sprinted, without turning back. Then, on a turn, he saw not one. Not two. Three Grievers charging at him.
           Thomas ran at his original pursuer and dodged it's attacks. Then, after running a long time, a pair of hands, belonging to Minho, grabbed Thomas. He followed Minho and Minho said that he had an idea. Thomas followed meekly and saw not a wall, but blackness. The end of the Maze.
           Dawn started and they continued non-stop. The four Grievers behind them. Minho and Thomas stood before the Cliff. They knew what they had to do. When the Grievers came. Thomas and Minho dodged them to the sides and each one fell off. Thomas went to Minho, with tears running down his face.

                       "And then he turned and ran, disappearing in seconds, swallowed by the Maze and darkness." (Dashner, 118)

    This happens after Minho tells Thomas that they should split up. Thomas was disconcerted and didn't know what to do. He saved Alby by leaving him in the vines, but what really happened to Alby? Is he still in the vines? I loved this quote because it gave me a sense of courage and fear. The whole chapter I was at the edge of my seat, trying to swallow every last bit of information I could get. I loved the action in this chapter and this quote overwhelmed me.


                     "His mind couldn't process the thought of where the Cliff led to or what happened to the terrible creatures." (Dashner, 138)

    This quote talks about Thomas and his first impression of the Cliff. The Cliff is a border of the Maze, which looks like it is floating because of the mist around it. Minho and Thomas devised a plan to ensnare and get rid of the Grievers. Thomas thought deeply about what happened after the Cliff and where it led to. Did the creatures die? I say they did, but not everything is as it seems.

                                     More action PLEASE!

         The chapters were just beautiful, in their own way. I liked Thomas' development and how Dashner portrays his character. We still need to learn about Alby because maybe the Grievers got him and killed him, which is unlikely. But in the Maze, everything is unlikely. This book is captivating me more and more, raising more questions at every page. It's just amazing.



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