Monday, October 26, 2015

Remembering Nothing

                                    OK! A new book!

After having to deal with Tris, we move on to the adventures of Thomas in The Maze Runner. Everything starts when Thomas wakes up with the crackling sound of metal; he is enclosed in a metallic box with almost no space. All he remembers is that his name is Thomas. Of course, he remembers the basic things in life like talking, reading, how to survive, cities, people(but he can't remember what they looked like), etc. Thomas waits and after the cage opens and he sees a bunch of kids gathered around it. He sees a person stand next to him and say, "Nice to meet ya, shank. Welcome to the Glade". As Thomas walks out he sees the place they call "The Glade".
A perfect square surrounded by walls of thousands of feet high. He notices openings on each side of the wall. He starts looking around and sees barns, animals, people working, buildings, among others. He overhears someone criticizing him, his name is Gally. Thomas meets Alby, which apparently was defending Thomas. Thomas thinks Alby is their leader and that he will take Thomas on a "Tour" the next day. In the Gladers' words he notices some kind of slang which is different from what he would say. He heard the words shank, klunk, shuck. He also heard people calling him Greenbean, which stands for newbie. Minutes later, he meets Chuck, the previous Greenbean, and tells Thomas that he is his guide for the day. Chuck tries to explain as much as he can but still holds some secrets. Chuck tells Thomas that there is a maze outside the Glade and that it changes every night. Thomas hears screams and follows them into a wooden house and finds Gally. He beckons him and tells him to go in, but Chuck warns him not to. In the wooden house he sees Alby with another boy, Newt, treating another boy that looked soulless, his name was Ben. They immediately took him outside and Thomas learns about the Changing. The Changing is a process after you get stung by a Griever, evil spider-like monsters the size of a cow. The next day Thomas starts working and learning his way through the Glade. He senses that he should be a Runner, people who go out of the Glade to figure a way out of the Glade. These Runners have a time limit before the doors surrounding the Glade close.
              A siren pumps through the air and everyone gathers around the Box and sees a girl, unconscious, in it. In the Box there was a note, it read: She's the last one. Ever. She wakes up and says that everything will change, then she passes out. Thomas starts feeling drawn to her and like he knows her. The med-jacks, doctors, pick her up and take her to a clinic.
            Thomas starts working his way in the Glade and begins to feel like he is a Glader, he even uses the Glade slang. That night he is attacked by Ben, the boy that went through the Changing, and Alby killed him. Thomas had nightmares and begun his second day. He goes to Winston, an acne-covered kid that liked his job as a Slicer. Thomas begun his work as he slaughtered animals and retrieved chicken eggs. That place was called The Blood House. He also meets Bark, a dog which has always been there. After a while he sees a Runner, sweating and tired. He watches him for a while, then the Runner collapsed onto the ground.

                             "He began his new life standing up, surrounded by cold darkness and stale, dusty air." (Dashner, 1)

The opening sentence of our book. This quote frightened me and brought me joy as we learn that our character, Thomas, had a previous life, from which we don't know about. The beginning of the sentence sounds like he is being transported, not knowing what happened, into nowhere. This quote can create suspense and definitely captivated me.

                            "Thomas stepped forward, eager to meet him and ask questions. But before he could form a sentence, the boy collapsed to the ground." (Dashner, 79)

 Thomas was just working with Winston when he noticed someone enter through the East Door. An Asian kid that was very muscular. Probably a Runner. After this, he stopped and fell to the ground. This sentence brought a lot of questions to my head like: Who is he? Why did he collapse? Is he a Runner? Why hasn't Thomas ever seen him? There are just too many. We'll have to wait and find out.


              We are left in such a cliffhanger! I can't wait to see what happens next. The book's introduction was just amazing and captivating, and I want to see what happens to this first girl. Obviously, some strange things have happened since Thomas entered the Glade. Many questions have sprouted in my head and I NEED ANSWERS! Can't wait to read more and will have to!                                                                                         


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